Do you need advice for your future operations? We have solutions for the diverse challenges of the 21st century: digitization, change management, managing growth and virtual leadership are just some of our fields. Get some insights into our daily work.
For more information about our work processes click here.
Do you need advice for your future operations? We have solutions for the diverse challenges of the 21st century: digitization, change management, managing growth and virtual leadership are just some of our fields. Get some insights into our daily work.
For more information about our work processes click here.
Do you need advice for your future operations? We have solutions for the diverse challenges of the 21st century: digitization, change management, managing growth and virtual leadership are just some of our fields. Get some insights into our daily work.
For more information about our work processes click here.
Do you need advice for your future operations? We have solutions for the diverse challenges of the 21st century: digitization, change management, managing growth and virtual leadership are just some of our fields. Get some insights into our daily work.
For more information about our work processes click here.
Do you need advice for your future operations? We have solutions for the diverse challenges of the 21st century: digitization, change management, managing growth and virtual leadership are just some of our fields. Get some insights into our daily work.
For more information about our work processes click here.
Do you need advice for your future operations? We have solutions for the diverse challenges of the 21st century: digitization, change management, managing growth and virtual leadership are just some of our fields. Get some insights into our daily work.
For more information about our work processes click here.
Do you need advice for your future operations? We have solutions for the diverse challenges of the 21st century: digitization, change management, managing growth and virtual leadership are just some of our fields. Get some insights into our daily work.
For more information about our work processes click here.
We support companies with consulting and coaching,
so they can get financed and build presence in Germany

Have you already faced these problems regarding business financing?
"It takes forever to finish the financial part for my business plan. Could you please take a look?"
"My pitch deck has great numbers but nobody replies my application emails. What is wrong with these investors? "
"My pre-seed startup wants German funding but we are not ready to move the whole production to Germany. Is there a solution?"
We can find a way to finance your business:
Startup Landing Express
Get your startup enlisted and open to public on minimum 15 investor-startup meeting platforms.
Venture Capital Scouting
We apply for venture capital funding offers for you.
Top 100 Investors
List of most prominent startup investors and business angels investing into German market in your field.
P2P Loan for Business Start
In urgent need of financial resources we assist you to get initial financing through our network of bank partners
Get KFW Financing
Business plan adjusted for the needs of KFW financing (100,000, 250,000 and over 500,000 EUR) and KFW application project management
Application Assistance
We assist in finding individual grant solutions, preparing a document set and further application
Special Offer: Business Plan and turn-key Pitch Deck
Don't pay twice! Special price offer for both pitch deck and business plan production.
Do we bring a real value?
Consultation on platform types, benefits of registration, calculating the budget if paid options are selected
Creation of company's profiles on platforms associated with investors search
Fullfilment of the profiles with data most relevant for investors
Not included: fees for external services subscriptions (free options are available), business plan and corporate video production
Consultation on risks, benefits and strategy on applying for P2P funding
Research on P2P platforms and online banks, forward their offers to the Client
Platform selection
Application submission on Client's behalf
Search on public and private grants offerings in your industry
Consultation on grant goal, presentation of the program, program selection, milestones planning and budget plan identification
Preparation of document set for the application
Application to grant-giving organisations on Client's behalf
Not included: application fees from external organisations if they imply
Continuous consultation on the business goals, service planning, strategy and development of KfW application milestones
Basic business concept(8-10 pages) development: key data, business idea, market competition, marketing
Calculation(8-10 pages) development: revenue and cost planning, capital service, viability plan
Exhibits(5-10 pages) development: monthly liquidity planning, revenue planning
Decision assistance on certain KfW program(3 programs available)
Peer-reviewed audit of prepared business plan
Connection to the right financial partner
Application submission on Client's behalf
Pitch deck design based on business plan is included
Development of a template email together with the Client
Mailing of Investment offer through the individually prepared list of investors
Mailing of follow-ups in case of no-reply
Calls arrangement between Client and VC Analyst
Negotiation process support
Weekly report of sent, answered, follow-up emails number
Continuous consultation on the business goals, service planning, strategy and development milestones
Basic business concept, calculation and exhibits development
Peer-reviewed audit of prepared business plan
Pitch deck based on business plan
Preliminary market estimation
Up to 20 slides multi-purpose pitch deck presentation
Exclusive pitch deck design
Stok images an license free icons
Three revisions of pitch deck with the Client, internal peer-review
Not included: preparation of photo and video materials for presentation, tax and legal advisory
Consultation on certain industry classification
List generation based on Client's industry
Search execution conducted on limited access databases
Inactive investors pre-filter
Development of spreadsheet with more than 100 business angels/pre-seed private equity investors
Spreadsheet includes organization name, investment range, headquarters, investment stages, field and specialisation of investors, contact email, contact phones
We can also help with other business problems
In many cases you need assistance not only with one side of business. We invite you to check out all of our services. We are also ready to provide a discount if you order services in a bundle!